Finding a Celebrity Comedian for a Big Fundraiser

Comedy is a cleansing type of media that can allow us to laugh and relax, which is so hard to do in a lot of modern life.  Regardless of how large your fundraiser is, a great comedian can take it up to the next notch and ensure many people attend and donate.

These are the best things to keep in mind when seeking a celebrity comedian and why they matter! 

Why It Matters 

Comedy is an awesome way to get people to open up about what they think and relax enough to connect with other people.  At a fundraiser, this means taking the edge off of a tough topic by allowing a celebrity like Damon Wayans Jr. to make them laugh and then giving them the freedom to consider why this cause matters to them.  Comedy can be a universal language when done right: so it's perfect for this gathering. 

Budget Carefully, but Be Flexible 

Especially when fundraising, your budget matters.  Think about how much money your cause can afford to spend on this and how much they're set to gain.  Celebrities are expensive, and although it would be nice if you could find one who was willing to do this work for free: it's not likely that you'll be able to.  Think about how much you'd ideally spend on a celeb's visit and if that's an amount they'd be willing to work for. 

Word of Mouth Helps 

When seeking out celebrities, you'd be surprised how many people know someone who knows someone.  We're all just a few degrees of separation from each other, so talking to the right person could put you in touch with a great celebrity you would want to hire.  Don't be afraid to be honest about what you're looking for, and say no to someone if the person they bring up isn't a great fit. 

Seek Out Live Performances 

Live performances are important to ensure that you know how good of a stage presence a performer has.  This can be the most fun part of seeking out a live act for a fundraiser since it means you either get to watch a live comedy show in person or catch their shows on streaming services or YouTube.  Look at how the audience reacts to them, consider their stage presence, and think about how they'd fit at your event. 

Ensure they Suits Your Tastes

Some people get so desperate to book a celebrity for an event that they forget that comedy is extremely varied and people will want different things.  Research what types of jokes each performer puts out, and think about whether those attending the fundraiser would laugh along with them or if they would be offended or annoyed by the performance. 

There’s Nothing Like Comedy to Make People Relax 

Whether this is one of many acts that are going during this fundraiser, or if it’s the main one you’ll want to showcase: comedy allows people to relax.  This is especially important if the fundraiser is for a powerful or sad cause.  Laughter can allow people to loosen up and feel more at ease discussing what’s at hand.  Don’t be afraid of finding the best comedian possible. 


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