10 for 2020 | A Little Life Update

My 2020 is off to a slow start, but it's okay. It's actually a good contrast from the rush that the end of 2019 has brought us, and right now, I appreciate the rest and time off this new year (and new decade) brings. 

Some updates! From #40 last 2018, for 2019 my blog landed at #64 at the Feedspot Top 100 Philippines Blogs And Websites To Follow.. aigoo! It's time to get motivated again, and work harder this year. I have been slacking not only in my blog but also on my other platforms like Instagram, but then again, it's okay! 2019 has been a transition year for most of us in the community: Will I continue my blog? Will I pursue Vlogging? How will I balance filming an IG Story and clips for a potential Youtube post??? While taking pictures!? 

Also, according to Feedspot, my site posts an average of 2 blog entries in a week, while the #1 spot (When In Manila) posts 10x PER DAY! 😂 My plan is to write more this year, at least doubling my efforts from last year, maybe 4-5 blogs per week is a good target! If you have blog ideas or stuff you will want me to talk about, feel free to comment them below!

Speaking of targets, since January feels like a "trial period" for all of us, I think it's the perfect month to align as well as start pursuing new goals--or even old ones I've been putting off. And so....

Here are my 10 for 2020:
I was supposed to make 20 goals but ang dami pala, haha! Let's make it more focused and simpler this year, but still challenging. 

1) Health is Wealth. I am turning 34 this month, and have to reconsider my food choices, fitness life and even my sleeping schedule (kahit na Kdrama is life, haha). Since January 2, I've been going to the gym every other day, but just last Wednesday I injured myself by rushing the back machine--resulting to lower back strains huhu! Now I have to rest for a few days but planning to go back again tomorrow to at least have cardio time.

2) Watch ASTRO and BTS Live.

3) Go to a country I haven't been to.

4) Shake up my wardrobe! I've been holding an online closet sale since last week to save up for my birthday trip. Aside from earning extra money and disposing clothes that does not "spark joy" na, it also brings extra space in my closet for new pieces that will fit my current style (yet to be discovered hehe).

5) As mentioned earlier, be more active again in my blog. Bring back the 2017-2018 Anagon blogger!

6) Personal Project: Travel in Korea for a month. And record daily activities in vlogging format.

7) Personal Project: Attend to at least 5 random classes and workshops (art, cooking, etc). Last year I think I only attended 2: 1 month Korean language class, and a one day cooking class at the Vegetarian Kitchen in QC.

8) Be more financial literate (to make my mom and dad happy, haha!). I already have insurances but I want to be more consistent in that, and learn even more about the stock market. Also: Less gastos, more ipon!

9) Be more attentive with the state of my mental health. Focus on what will make me happy, and not be afraid to say no. Maybe keep a daily journal again?

10) Start a long-term business

In short, I just want to be healthy in all ways, to have a purpose for my social media presence and not just post because I am pressured to, to have a quality and loving community--and create something of value to people who choose to follow me, and to be stable financially so I can do more and be more for my family. 

How's 2020 treating you so far? ❤


  1. Wow that's a lot of bucketlist hehe. Sabagay ako din maraming nasa bucketlist na sobrang wish kong magawa ko this year..


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