How To Overcome Writer's Block (Featuring Spike Dietary Supplement)

Thinking about it now, my main activity involves lots of brain churning. 

I am a writer, and I have been writing for over a decade. I started with feature articles for different publications including Smart Parenting, Candymag, and Current (Meralco's company publication). My course in college is journalism. Now I write solely for my blog, and have since been used to writing with my own voice. So when it comes to writer's block, I think I've been through it so much that I want to talk about it in this post.

What is Writer's Block?

Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown. The condition ranges in difficulty from coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years. (Source)

What Are The Causes of Writer's Block?

Either feeling uninspired or not feeling well physically and mentally, a writer's block is mainly caused by the writer's mentality. Sometimes, stress and pressure can also block the creative flow. Getting easily distracted and lack of focus also lead to writer's block.

How Do I Fight Off Writer's Block?

Last week, I decided to stay at home to catch up on my Eurotrip backlogs.

I started off with a blank slate so I stared and stared in front of my laptop's screen feeling overwhelmed from the amount of work. I think this started my writer's block!

What to do to take control of my mind?

1) I list everything! What I need to do and all my random ideas. I keep a pen and paper beside my bed to write anything (free writing). I enumerate titles for possible blog entries. I write line after line of things that I might be able to use for new posts. It's better to start somewhere! 

2) Speaking of starting somewhere, when I cannot write anything at all, I start with editing pictures for the blog post. This is also a big chunk of the whole entry, and since simple editing pictures is time consuming but lesser brain works for me, I finish it first than the write-up.

3) Organize the visuals first, and let them guide you to your writing. After editing the pictures, I upload them all on my blog and arrange them in the order that I want for the story. Whenever I see the flow of photos, the words usually follow. 

4) Take food for the brain! If we take care of our body, it's also important to feed our brain. Some advisable brain foods that boost your memory include nuts, dark chocolate, and of course my favorite--black coffee!

Aside from these, I also recently discovered a natural supplement that is scientifically proven to enhance overall mental fitness and support cognitive performance in stressful situations.

Spike Dietary Supplement is the new product of Vida Nutriscience Inc, also the makers of Snow Crystal White TomatoSnow CapsMySlim Yerba Mate Drink, etc. Its main ingredient is a natural wild green oat variety grown in Europe called the Neuravena®, said to support cognitive functions as a nerve tonic, restorative and as a mild anti-depressant ever since the medieval times!

Ingredients of Spike Dietary Supplement:

400mg Nueravena® - clinically proven to improve memory functions, concentration, mental alertness, cognitive functions under pressure, working memory and speed of performance.

100mg Magnesium Lactate - regulate levels of minerals and other important nutrients in the body.

Alpha Size - the most effective brain nutrients

Bioperine - improve nutrient absorption process

B-Vitamins (Vitamin B3, B6, B9 & B12) - crucial for proper brain functions.

How To Take Spike Dietary Supplement:

1. Take one (1) capsule daily after every meal. 

2. Can be taken two (2) capsules on days that requires mental alertness and cognitive function activities such as exams, presentations, stressful activities that needs concentration & the like). 

3. Take one (1) hour before the exams or presentations to experience a full effect timeline of 4 to 6 hours. 

4. For adults use only. Not intended for pregnant or lactating mothers. 

5. 2 Years Shelf Life.

Nowadays, I try to make sure that I bring Spike with me whenever I go out for events or meetings for a little push.

Thoughts on Spike Dietary Supplement:

Before writing this blog post, I made sure to try out this new and FDA approved (Philippine Food and Drug Administration) product so I can give personal and honest recommendations. I've been taking Spike Dietary Supplement for a week now, and so far so good! On the first day, I felt a bit sleepy after taking it (after lunch). A friend who also takes it said that this might be the effect of my mind relaxing so I won't get stressed out and pressured with the amount of work to do.

On the second day though, no more sleepy effects and my brain started to clear up and churn out words for my Sweden blog. I think it's also my fault that I've been sleeping late thus I get groggy during the day, haha! I have to change this bad lifestyle stat. 

Taking B-Vitamins through Spike Dietary Supplement also helps me concentrate. There are no negative side effects, and I am glad I was able to accomplish around 3 madugong Eurotrip blog posts last week! Hope you can read them, too! ❤

Oh! And lastly before I forget, my final Writer's Block tip is to take time to rest. If you're feeling tired and uninspired, it's totally okay to take a break and stop doing what you're doing. Most of the time, I get inspired to write again after traveling. Aside from feeling and experiencing new things during a trip, being away from my laptop for a few days makes me miss writing so bad. And so when I get back home and start to blog again, stories suddenly flow naturally. 😊

My favorite quote from Kiki's Delivery Service that I always associate to writing:

Spike Dietary Supplement is available in Mercury Drug for Php 990 / box of 30 capsules. 
For more information, follow Spike Dietary Supplement on Facebook and Instagram @spikebrainbooster.


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