My K-Drama Photo Book & Magnets (by Storytell Prints)

I've known Storytell Prints app (available in iOS and Google Play) for more than a year now. The first time I availed the app, I printed my Japan spring pictures in polaroid-type magnets. They are still displayed on our ref to this day! My sisters also ordered barkada magnets last last Christmas, very nice personalized gifts which they gave away to their friends.

Aside from magnets though, they also offer other creative printing services like board prints, canvass wraps, posters, and my new favorite... The Photo Books!

When I received my mini photo book a few weeks ago, it feels like having my own legit book already! Hehe. I fixed the layout in the app na, and made sure to fill it with photos from my recent K-Drama Tour, most prob the highlight of my summer. Storytell Prints' mini photo book costs Php 750 only.

I also ordered the magnets version, and I loved the turn out! 16 pieces of these Square Magnets are for Php 600 only.

I ordered a lot of extras, and planning to write on them the instructions or addresses to the K-Drama locations! Or maybe quotes from the scenes, and random personal scribbles. If interested to own a piece or two, you can go to Bloggers United on June, from 10am-9pm, I'll be handing the magnets to random people who are coming! ❤

Meanwhile, Storytell Prints is also giving away various prizes from April 17 to May 31, including a free trip for two from Bookie PH and some FREE PRINTS! 😍 Follow them on Instagram for the complete mechanics (@storytellprints)!


  1. Love it! one of the coolest way to preserve memories! ♥

  2. Printing is a kind of service that need to be done more elegant and enchanting, and this piece of content reminds me that. Thanks much for sharing this information in here.

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