Funny Face Yoga with SnowCaps

As I grow older and hopefully wiser, I realized that loving yourself doesn't mean you have to stop at that. Life is all about movement, with change as the only thing constant.

Snow Caps supports women in their quest to find better versions of themselves. Not in a dissatisfied way, but to love ones self by still seeking growth and improvement. 

In line with that, Snowcaps held a #BetterMe event last September 13 at the Makati Shangrila Hotel's Sage Bar. 

Upon entrance, guests received beautiful presents from the brand: A lounge robe designed by no less than Joey Samson, a locally made Wataru Espadrilles, and a fan from Casa Mercedes that shows the agenda for the day:

We're going to try Funny Face Yoga! It's a fun and hilarious way to stay young and beautiful, wow!

We looked like geishas with these robes and props! Converting Ruthie into a Japanese girl, hehe:

Rodel playing with the fan, haha!

The Funny Face Yoga was led by Vivien Tan, a former model who started her career at 12 years old. Vivien understood the pressure that society has put on women to be beautiful and perfect. 

At the peak of her career, she decided to leave the world of high-fashion and embrace her role as wife and mother. She also went on her own quest to find out what real beauty is.

During this search, she learned yoga and became a Kundalini Yoga teacher. Vivien then realized that finding true joy is be happy from within. To illustrate the fun side of yoga, Vivien taught us the Funny Face Yoga - which is something new to me! I've tried different forms of yoga before, with Bikram as my favorite, and I am very much open to its other forms.

During the demo, Vivien shared three kinds of exercises - breathing, kissing, and eye. What made it fun was how funny we look while doing the exercises! It's a good ice breaker where guests just enjoyed, loosened up, and were not afraid to be a little silly and laugh at themselves that day.

Laughter is indeed the best medicine, and happy people are the most beautiful! I know I'm hitting two cliches in that statement, haha, but we tend to forget these sometimes. I realized that real beauty comes from within, it's when you feel good inside when you radiate outside.

This mindset is what Snowcaps wishes to impart in their advocacy because same thing works with their products: better skin starts with better health. 

Snow Caps contains L glutathione from Kohjin Lifescience Tokyo Japan and has 50% more glutathione content than any other expensive brands. It also contains VITAMIN C and ALPHA LIPHOIC ACID which not only help keep skin glowing, but also protects your over-all health by fighting off toxins and free radicals. This is why I take it everyday!

For more information, visit or call 02-9279227.


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