Bloggers United x Passion Fly Bazaar #BU11xPassionFly + Passes Giveaway!

The perfect way to end your summer, Bloggers United continues their mission to bring together your favorite fashion bloggers in one event this May 28, 2016, from 10am to 7pm, at a bigger venue in Green Sun Hotel, Makati.

Bloggers United (BU) embraces new trends and changes to make their bi-annual bazaar and get-together fun, and fresh!

First, BU’s newest partner is no other than Passion Fly by Karl Edward Bazaar, a name synonymous to good buys, great deals, and the best urban shopping events in the country for fifteen years! This team recognizes the need for creative and curated goods online and offline by the best shops, entrepreneurs and even celebrities and bloggers.

Meanwhile, Bloggers United also added new names for this May’s line-up. Get to meet and shop not only from your favorite fashion bloggers’ closets, but also from online influencers and local celebrities!

There will also be exciting activities, games, and cool prizes from their sponsors. Since it’s going to be a back-to-school affair, make sure to dress-up in Preppy Pastels to get spotted by their official photographer!

Tickets will be sold at Php 100 during the event. There will also be ticket giveaways from the participating bloggers, online influencers, and sponsors, so make sure you follow them!

You'll be needing this poster, hehe! Follow me @anagon on Instagram for the mechanics!

For more information and updates, like Bloggers United Philippines on Facebook (, or follow them on Twitter (@bloggers_united) and Instagram (@bloggersunitedph). Official hashtag is #BU11xPassionfly.

For more information about Passion Fly Pocket Festivals and rates/schedules, visit and follow their Instagram @passionflybazaar.

Special thanks to:
Event Partner: Passion Fly Bazaar


Your turn! Always excited to read your comments! :)

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