Pandora Essence Collection
Pandora is addicting. I can't blame the women who bought every single charm of every place or milestone they had in life, and collect them in their slender sterling silver straps. An emotional accessory!
Now here is a new Pandora collection na I am sure you'll love as well. Pandora Essence depicts not moments, but this time, MEANINGS. With deeper connection, it was difficult to choose among the 24 Pandora Essence charms, but in the end I got COURAGE:
Video from Pandora's
I went to the Pandora Essence Collection press event last week in Makati Shangri-La Hotel.
Here are the beautiful Pandora packaging that greeted us before we settled and had our lunch:
The blog gang:
This "Essence Tree" was on-display at the middle of the stage, where guests picked the "fruits" they want for their accessory:
“ESSENCE Collection is defined by women to inspire women,” said PANDORA’s Chief Creative Officer, Stephen Fairchild.
For me, in picking your first Pandora Essence charm, it has to be something with deep connection to you. Parang something na you will love to wear everyday, and then serve as a reminder bracelet narin for a value that is important to you.
Although for me the simple elegant look of 1 charmed Pandora bracelet is enough, you can also add more charms to suit your preference:
Here are the 24 delicate hand-finished sterling charms:
Passion (smooth syngthetic ruby) - Passion is when you put more energy into something than is required.
Freedom (sterling silver) - "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes." - Mahatma Gandhi
Health (sterling silver) Lissa Kahayon's Choice - Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Peace (faceted lapis lazuli) - "you find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level." - Eckhart Tolle
Hope (smooth milky quartz) - Hope is a state which promotes the desire of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life or in the world at large.
Happiness (52 pave set cubic zirconia) Tin Iglesias' Choice - When one is happy, one is in an emotional state of well-being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.
Compassion (faceted smoky quartz) - It gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering.
Trust (30 flush set cubic zirconia) - A trait of believing in the integrity, character, and reliability of a person or thing.
Confidence (122 channel set cubic zirconia) - Is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities.
Faith (smooth amethyst) - It is believing that is not based on proof or having the confidence based on unfounded evidence.
Stability (24 bead set cubic zirconia) - "So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of familv, that it remains the measure of our stability because it measures our sense of loyalty." - Haniel Long
Energy (smooth carnelian) Paul Chuapoco's Choice - Energy is the power of life, the source within you that always will light your way.
Love (smooth rose pink moonstone) gusto ko yung walang umavail nito, lol - "Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get--only with what you are expecting to give, which is everything." - Henri Matisse
Courage (faceted synthetic hematite) Mine - Courage is an action that comes from the heart. People who have courage are described as having a quality of mind that allows them to face danger without fear.
Positivity (smooth magnesite) - is staying positive even when you find a really good reason to be negative.
Balance (smooth gray moonstone) - is having the right amount--not too much or too little--of any quality, which leads to harmony or evenness.
Wisdom (sterling silver) Tracy Ayson and Sarah Tirona's - Wisdom is the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting and to think and act, utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight.
Wellness (sterling silver) - is a multidimensional state of being in positive health, exemplified by quality of life and a sense of well-being.
Respect (sterling silver) - "Respect depicts acceptance, while disrespect is rejection." - Fawad
Joy (30 flush set cubic zirconia) - is a deeper emotion than happiness; it is moments of indulgence.
Prosperity (faceted green aventurine) - is a state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune and/or successful social status which not only encompasses wealth, but also includes other factors such as happiness and health.
Loyalty (smooth aquamarine) - evokes sentiment and feeling of devotion that one holds for one's country, family, friends, principle, creed, or cause.
Honesty (sterling silver) - A facet of moral character which connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness.
Strength (faceted black spinel) - Embrace your inner force. you are more powerful than you realize.
At the launch, they also introduced the Pandora Women of True Essence: Amina Aranaz-Alunan, Atty. Karen Jimeno-McBride, Lisa Macuja-Elizalde, and Kim Jones:
At first I wast torn between Positivity, and Passion--but the last minute (and after everyone has chosen their "Essence") I was left with a few stones, and Courage wasn't even in mind until Paul told me to get it. "Passion, marami ka na non."
When I got the box, I knew I picked the right one for me. I felt very Divergent Dauntless faction! Haha. :)
What Essence will you choose for yourself?
Do you know how much the charm and bracelet costs? I'm really eager to buy one as a gift to myself on my 20th birthday. Hihihi. :)
ReplyDeleteI am sure worth it yan :) P4k for the strap, and around 2k to 4k for the charm. :)
DeleteThanks for the info. Ipon ipon na! Hahahah. <3
DeleteI'd love to have one of these... Freedom, happiness and wellness in one bracelet.
ReplyDeleteNice combi :) <3
DeleteVery interesting blog, looking forward to more wonderful! Swarovski website
ReplyDeleteYour turn! Always excited to read your comments! :)