Nisce: A Decade of Glam +Winner

My favorite NISCE Skin N Face clinic was a fruit of passion passed on to Atty. Blaise Nisce and Marie Antoinette Nisce by their mother Dr. Edna Talavera- Nisce. They started the business in La Union (aka "L.U.", hehe), treating diseases of the skin, hair and nails. At dahil in demand, they decided to increase their clinics till they reached Metro Manila!

The clinic offers wide range of glam treatment such as:
- facial services
- photo-remodelling LHE (Light and Heat Energy)
- IPL (Intense Pulse Light)
- collagen remodeling
- peels
- contour for slimming and tightening
- eye bag and eye wrinkle treatment
- skin whitening, and bleaching
- Skin Care products such as Dr. Skin, Nisce Superblock with intense SPF 80, 
- And of course, Nisce also provide services like spa and manicure/pedicure (love their service for this!), etc.

And the winner of P1k Nisce GCs is Alyssa Jane Saluta! Congrats! Emailing you! :)

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  1. I would love to improve my skin even though my skin is even because I can still notice that it isn't fair. So consulting on this clinic might be the answer to my frustration.


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