♥ The Fashionista Commuter

Every time I get to see my closest blog friends, they'll tease me with my "blogging all day everyday". Hah! I can't help it, I don't want to limit my posts! It's just that, I've been diary-writing-every-night since Grade 1, I think I got used to chronicling my everyday journey...Although now mas high tet-ch na! :P It was a big part of how I've become a "writer" (self expression / outlet), and why I took up my college course! So thank you to everyone who've been reading my daily posts, it wasn't always a smooth ride, but definitely a blast with lotsof fun-loving and beautiful passengers! ;)

Anyway, you can now get my all-day-everyday posts straight to your phones! Thanks to Nokia's OVI, The Fashionista Commuter is now a phone application! Get my latest updates wherever, whenever! Naks! Also, I included my twitter and online shop updates in the app! Get other applications via THIS PAGE, and good news, a lot of bloggers are now on OVI! Aaaand... Downloading is free!

Thank you Sir Charles of Nokia OVI for guiding non-techie-ol-me with making my phone app. :)


Your turn! Always excited to read your comments! :)

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