Freeday and Saturdate

With Marj

Marj and Ennuh

All together now! ;p

Went out last Friday for a few morning meet ups, and then off to Glorietta to have short chit chat/merienda with my cousin Ren (who also ordered from my site, yey for girly cousins! haha!). Saw former UST player Taylor and his girl friend Angela--who is a Ms. Earth (the beauty pageant) winner (not sure what placer) and also from UST. She's a buyer of ANAGON also, so I texted her afterwards, that I saw her, but I was shy to call her, and she's so pretty! :) It was nice of her to text back! *starstrucked*

Later on went to meet Ana after her work, who bought our movie tickets already via online (convenient life!)...then had dinner first in Dulcinea. Marj appeared since she's having study group with her medicine school friends at that time also in the vicinity. Glad to see our future doktora, I missed her! :)

Watched Inception at around 11pm already, so imagine the mind-boggling adventure we just had! :D I love the movie, but I can't dwell on it too much without spoiling it! ;p So I'll just say, I want to re-watch it, the concept is super cool! :D

Slept over at Ana's (as usual!), woke up past lunch time already, and went to Greenbelt again for the movie tickets we bought Friday night...for Sorcerer's Apprentice this time! :) I love the theme song of the film, what was it again for anyone who knows?? :) <3

Dinner pre-movie. :) Had coffee post-movie! ;p

It was a tiring weekend for Ms. Weakling me, but I think I'll never get tired of doing this over-and-over again. The two Anas just love watching movies! :) On my sleep over, I even brought with me DVDs..and watched Pineapple Express, but was too tired we didn't finished it. ;p Next time perhaps! :) 

Outfit post! 
Floral top paired with denim shorts, layered with fluid leggings :) I love florals on blue background. Ana said I should start the collection--since I already have a shorts, a bag, and a necklace. I want a hat and oxfords too! Ana dared me to wear them all together, ahhahaha! ;p

Wore my favorite black clogs again. I rarely wear heels because they kill my feet, but this pair is different and comfy! Super flat shoes, although with the perception of being comfortable for walking, hurts my feet too in the long run! ;p Can't really decide the perfect pair for walkathons! ;p

Bracelet was an eye catcher for the people I met that day, they thought it was "kidada", so I have to research on that bracelet. :) I just made this for "hippie band" but wore it that night as bracelet. :) Love my new red shade of polish too, from Face Shop. =)

I was actually guilty and worrying over the whole Freeday and Saturdate with Ana on how much money we spend on movies and nice dinners and eating-in-betweens (fancy coffee!) when we weren't really rich people...But later on we justified that this is our thing. Others spend on bars and booze on their weekends, we prefer unwinding with good food and a nice cinema experience. To each his/her own, I guess! :)
To more Freedays and Saturdates! <3


  1. I love that top you wore Ana! Your nails are so pretty as well! Thank you so much your visiting my blog too! :)

  2. Thank you ash! :) I thought of buying the red nail polish since it's one color that will last for a long time and not just a trend! ;) Your approval means alot! :) :)

  3. Hi! Found your blog via Ashley's/Karl's/Kookie's (my fasyooon friends). I love everything about your outfit. :) It's very laid-back and chic. I love the items you sell, as well! From the love ring to the double bow ring; from the feather necklaces to the zipper bracelets. If I were a really rich girl, I'd buy everything! But I'm really broke right now so I'll just stare at your items. LOL. Anyway, I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog! <3

  4. I just have to say...THANK YOU TIN!! For being the sweetest! :-) This comment made my day, hihi! :) Hope to see more of you online!


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