Day 4: 30 days of photographic memories

day 1. your facebook profile photo
day 2. a photo of yourself a year ago

day 3. a photo that makes you happy

day 4. a photo of the last place you went on holiday

Also related to my 3rd Day post, this photo was taken on Cambodia's Angkor Wat. It was my latest trip, happened latter part of March of this year. 

I spent sooo much for this long trip (with lots of hotel stopovers!) that I ended bankrupt during those weeks post-IndoChina. But lots of people I blabbed about this mishap told me that I invested well on my early earnings by traveling. Seeing the world is the best reward I can give to myself! :-)

Now that I look back on the photos we took in our Vietnam-Cambodia getaway, I have to say that I did spent my money well on good memories. I love this photo because it shows how "tired and happy" my friends and I were after walking around the Angkor Wat under the heated sun (I repeat this all the time, it was hotter than Manila!)...And whenever I want to have our group picture together, I just have to plop my camera with the short portable tripod named "Phnompy" on the ground, set the camera timer, and get a nice angle of the location, the three of us, plus the ground and the sky :-) (worm's eye-view! (???) <3)

I really really miss out-of-country trips! :-) Next planned trip is on November with my sister, and her friends! Hope to have another one before this though, so gotta work harderrr!!! :-)



  1. i find it so cool how at a young age you're already traveling alone and with your friends, ms. ana :) I wish I can do that someday! I haven't been to vietnam and cambodia :)

  2. Hi Ava thank you so much! Ako naman i havent been to taipei (or is it taipan?? :D)...Want to travel Asia this year and next, kaya mo rin yan sis by working hard on Artsy! shop! :) Good luck to us!!! :) :) <3

  3. Thats so cool!!! I love that pic!!!

  4. "Seeing the world is the best reward I can give to myself! :-)"

    I love it, down to the smiley face :)


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