A Piece of Me .... In April 2010

I like: That it's my dad's birthday month. =) I am a daddy's girl! ;D

I don't like: That it will be the big deadline month of saving up for my big out-of-the-country getaway on May! I have to workworkwork extra hard!!!

I want you to know: That I just came from a Holy Week Travel Retreat in Sagada--a coldcold part north of the Philippines...via Life Academy. It was a fruitful 5 days! =) I'm really tired right now, but I can't wait to blog or reflect on what happened =)

Some random photos:

Banaue Rice Terraces :) 
Like my photo was just Photoshopped in a post card! :D
Hearty meal at the Yoghurt House with my new friends. =)
Their restos are really vegetarian friendly! =)

With my long time friend Geo.
Before our morning prayer--always one with nature! =)

Coffee by the fireplace...Also our sharing night. =) I love cold places =)

Hellooo deep cave with the old coffins! :D Scarrry!

I've planned: To go all out with Anagon Collection for April! Geo and I conversed about spending during one of our long bus rides last week--agreeing on this: if I want or I need to have more money, it doesn't mean depriving myself from my wants and needs (aka spending) so I can save up....but instead, I have to have the mindset that I have to just work harder and earn more.
earning more > extreme saving up. 

I want to say to someone special: Thank you! :-) So little time, but you made worth-it moments extra-worth it! =)

This is a little blogging game--something to post every start of the month (every first Sunday!).
 Read more HERE --I have to be more punctual with this! ;p


Your turn! Always excited to read your comments! :)

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