"May dumi po kayo sa noo, joke!"

("You have dirt on your forehead, just kidding")
--- Said the cashier in a grocery/store where I bought new underwear (wow, which is an achievement for someone who isn't into undergarment shopping ;p Haha!)...And we were too dumbstruck to react, so we just laughed halfheartedly. Mom said the lady might have a different religion from us Catholics, oh I don't know, but I just thought it was disrespectful of her, even though it was meant to be "just a joke".

Photo taken using my Diana Lomo Cam, Circa '08! ;p

Today is Ash Wednesday. The start of the Holy Week for Christians all over the world. I have missed out TWO consecutive masses (one was last last Saturday, Homily was already ending, so I don't consider it a full mass; and the other was just last weekend--APO on Saturday night, then RENT on Sunday). I felt really bad when I remember missing my obligations, not for anything else, but because I don't want to miss a day of "hanging out" with Him. =/ So, without thinking twice, I went with mom today for Ash Wednesday mass.

Since Lent/Holy Week meant NO MEAT, Cea and I ate pasta and pizza (shared) at Sbarro for dinner.

And as a vegetarian... this is a normal-everyday thing for me...So I was actually thinking of another form of fasting/abstinence..A Sacrifice. But I am still thinking of one. Like, some will not go online till Easter Sunday, although my job as online seller wouldn't make this possible. Others will (for the meantime) stop a daily "bisyo", like maybe coffee or cigarette...Or maybe Facebook Fasting? :D You think you can do this??

Anyway, Ate registered me for a Holy Week retreat at Sagada, after I mentioned to her my long-time-plan of spending these days somewhere else except home. I missed the required recollections and retreats we all get back in our Catholic school. Not only were these like time with friends outside the campus' four-restricted-walls, but also, we were more in-touch with our inner-selves them, and more "talkative with God"--chattering to Him about every aspect of our lives. =) Hope the Sagada thing will push through. =)


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