welcome to my cafe world! ;p

My friends will tell me that I'm addicted, and I wont deny anything! ;D Hahahaa!

I live in a Cafe World! :D

Ate said it's the only thing I go back to in Facebook (slightly true). I'd status when my food got spoiled. I'll status a new outfit. I'll welcome newbies with open arms (hahaha)..I have Cafe World updates as my home page on Face Book. I talk about the new designs and outfits as if they're real! ;D I get intrigued with new themes and items on the menu.
I gush about Cafe World! Hahaha!

Birds Eyeview of my patch-o-patch Bullies Coffee! (dedicated to my dear friends and bullies hahah)

Corner 1: Alien Invasion! :) Flying Saucer-ish Tables, Glass Tables, craters for my floors, galaxy walls, and I just love my robotics door and how it opens ala the ones in Sci-Fi films! <3

Corner 2: Also Alien Invasion-slash City Lights (because of the walls)
Cute round chairs that looks comfy, flying displays, poster of an alien, a really outer space-y dividers and window, and the giant violet rocket! ;D

A new part of my Cafe: Sports Corner! :) Brought back my orange walls, and bought the basketball displays and table, and the giant hand! (my dog by the entrance hehe). Bar with the TV is still smacked in the middle corner.

Hello friends! :) My waitresses: my sisters Ate&Cea, Kahits Lyka&Marlene, my nanay Marj, and bullies Ana and Tamems! =) Hihi, Tamems and Ana's new sporty outfit are the cuuutest! :D

The virtual me in her cheerleader outfit and brown boots! ;)


Your turn! Always excited to read your comments! :)

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