Last Minute!

I know it's my second post for the day, but I am so proud that I am (F I N A L L Y) a REGISTERED VOTER! =D

I was cooking in my virtual kitch (aka Cafe World, hahaha) at around PAST 4pm awhile ago...when Cea said "Babay!" and I knew it was time to register already, so I turned off my computer, with onions and gingers dangling from my pans and all! :D Real World here I come! ;D

Dad drove us to the munisipyo of Muntinlupa, and realized that the location for registration is elsewhere (thank God we did not commute!!! Hiraaaap!) ... The place for registering is in the second floor of the Palengke (market) that I am wondering how people of Ayala Alabang and other elite villages of Munti were able to go there! :D

In all fairness, the process of registering wasn't that bad! We got there around LAST 15 minutes cut-off time (5pm)....of the LAST day...So I knew we were meant to do this! (literally last minute registering!!!)

Line was short when we reached the place. Plus the big white room is fully air conditioned! Filled up forms here and there, then got several identification numbers, electronic placing of thumb marks and signature, mug shot (Cea's fave. I said I posed like Paris Hilton hahaha), then stamp pad-thumb marks--then done! =D

I can now exercise my right to vote! Finally, at 23 years old already! Hahaha!

Thanks for being makulit with this! I will be lazy if not for you bunsoy!

Purple Thumb!
Ako ang simula ng pagbabago! :D

As for my presidential bet, I can't wait to check out their platforms and credentials! Cea said she wouldnt say she already has a final decision..and she's excited to read up on the brochures the candidates will be handing since she's now a voter! :D

I only have 2 candidates in mind, but I am proud to say I'll be voting him (or her?? :D)...because I know (and researched!) that he's the one!

For an apathetic kid...I feel proud to be a responsible citizen this time around!


  1. Wow, congrats sis! It'll be my second time to vote hehe :D I voted for Rocco last time. May he rest in peace.

  2. woah ang galing! =D 18yrs old halos registered ka na! :)
    shucks naalala ko pa nun nangandidato si rocco sa uste..


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